Facts about Banat & Crișana
Banat and Crișana are Romania's westernmost regions bordering Hungary and Serbia.
The name Banat comes from the word Ban or Bannum, a territory with a military and administrative function,
Crișana was named after river Criș and its main tributaries: Crișul Alb, Crișul Negru and Crișul Repede.
Location: Western / Northwestern Romania.
Area: 19,000 sq miles
Population: approximately 3 million people
Main cities/ large towns: Arad, Caransebes, Lugoj,
Oradea, Resita and Timisoara
Climate: Crisana has a temperate-continental climate, while Banat boasts sub- Mediterranean influences, with hot summers and mild winters
Banat and Crisana regions Highlights
The unique mix of architectural and cultural heritages in the history-rich provinces of Crisana and Banat stems from the fact that for centuries Romanians have lived here alongside Germans (Swabs or Schwaben), Serbians and Hungarians.
The three main cities in western Romania: Timisoara Oradea and Arad are offering visitors an insight into the regions of Banat and Crisana long history and colorful traditions.
The Habsburg rule (early 18th century until 1918) introduced the Art Nouveau architecture in Banat.
Frequently referred to as "Little Vienna," Timisoara has always been a progressive, cosmopolitan city.
An important trade and university town, Timisoara features large open-squares, beautiful parks and gardens, elegant boutiques and cafes, restaurants and a great display of Secessionist architecture.
Among Timisoara's cultural attractions are the Museum of Region of Banat (art, natural history and ethnography sections),
the Village Museum, the Botanical Garden, Timisoara Philharmonic and the Opera House.
Sites of historical importance include the Ruins of Timisoara Fortress, Huniade Castle,
Dicasterial Palace / DikasterialPalast (from Greek "Dikastes" - a legal office in ancient Greece) and Old City Hall .
38 miles north of Timisoara, on the banks of Mures River, lies the city of Arad.
Monumental churches and cathedrals, each with their own story to tell, represent several denominations and architectural styles ranging from baroque to neoclassical. The exciting architecture of the city's administrative buildings reflects the influence of the Austrian-Hungarian empire; most notable are the City Hall and Cenad Palace, the Palace of Culture, the State Philharmonic House and the Turkish fortress.
Oradea, eight miles east of the Romanian-Hungarian border, is one of the most picturesque and well-maintaned towns in Romania, as well as an important cultural center. At the turn of the last century, most of the town's old houses were rebuilt and customized to the then trendy architectural style from Vienna called "Sezession," with its richly decorated facades of pale pink, green, blue and white. To get a feel for the city's past, stroll around the Old Downtown and visit the Museum of the Cris Rivers, housed in a splendid 1770 baroque palace, modeled after the Belvedere Palace in Vienna.
Western Romania has lots to offer to active travelers and adventure seekers.
Althoug just a few of its mountain peaks in Banat and Crisana are taller than 6,000 ft., exquisite natural scenery and opportunities for trekking, mountain climbing, hunting, fishing, horseback riding abound.
Bihor Mountains are home to numerous caves, cave tunnels, underground waterfalls, hidden lakes, canyons and glaciers.
The best-known of them is the Bears' Cave (Pestera Ursilor, where fossils of the Cave Bear (Ursus Spelaeusa - a prehistoric species of bear that became extinct about 24,000 years ago) were discovered. The Bears' Cave has two levels of galleries, more than a half-mile long with stalactites and stalagmites estimated to be 22,000 years old.
10 Places to explore in Banat and Crisana Regions
City of Oradea - home of one of the most spectacular displays of classic Art-Nouveau and Secession (a Viennese branch of 'Art Nouveau) architectural styles.
Băile Felix (Felix Thermal Baths) – town for its numerous geothermal springs, located 7 miles south of the city of Oradea. The medical spas located in Băile Felix alleviate Arthritis and rheumatoid pain and help treat endocrine and nervous system disorders.
Pâncota - Dorvena Winery (Miniș-Maderat wine region) – renown for its unique red wines, produced from native grapes: Fetească Neagră and Cadarcă. A unique cuvée Roșu de Pâncota is obtained from Burgundy/ Pinor Noir, Fetească Neagră and Cadarcă.
Pâncota Winery also produces great dry rosé and white wines obtainen from international and native varieties of grapes: Rosé Cadarcă, Rosé Samba, Mustoasă de Măderat, Fetească Regală, Alb de Pâncota (Feteasca Regală, Mustoasa de Măderat and Muscat Ottonel cuvée).
Village Radna, 18 miles east of Arad and 20 miles south of Pâncota, is home to Maria Radna Basilica – the most important place of pilgrimage for Roman-Catholic Christians in Banat and Crisana.
Town of Ştei – erected between 1952 and 1956 – is an outstanding example of functional urban design.
In a period of four years, Stei - a small linear village (home to 900 inhabitants) - became a “garden town”, following a strictly rectangular street grid.
Designed in Moscow (Russia) during the Cold War, as headquarters of the Soviet uranium exploitation sites in Romania, Stei got large public buildings, an administrative palace, five cinemas, three dance floors, two schools, medical clinics, a sports complex, restaurants, shops and wide streets. Blocks of flats, rustic houses, green neighbourhoods with three types of two-storied housing units were built for the management staff of the mine and labor force. The rich vegetation and trees (particularly poplars and walnut trees) of the green inner courtyards provided the inhabitants with fruits and also absorbed the mining radiation.
Stei urban ensemble, reflects evident urban landscape Soviet influence such as considerable size of public buildings, lack of private space, rectangular shape of the streets. (More info and photos)
Cheile Nerei-Beusnita National Park (Parcul Național Cheile Nerei – Beușnița) – a 91,000 acre protected area home to over 130 species of fauna and more than 320 species of flora.
Oraviţa – Anina scenic train route – the counterpart Semmering Bahn railway in Austria.
A true engineering marvel, unique in souteastern Europe, The Oravita – Anina railway was built in mid-1800s.
It crosses over 10 viaducts, passes through 14 tunnels and offers riders picturesque views of Anina Mountains.
Danube River - Iron Gates Nature Park (Parcul Natural Porţile de Fier) – 286,000 acres of land home to 18 protected areas rich in avifauna, botanical, forest and fresh water ecosystems and rare wildlife.
Timisoara - the largest city in western Romania and one of the country's leading university centres.
Nicknamed "the City of Roses", Timisoara is also known for its ample parks and beautiful architecture.
Aramic Winery – a small wine producing facility (26 miles SE of Timisoara),
known for its excellent white and red wines, obtained from native grapes: Fetească Albă (white, dry), Fetească Neagră (red, dry) as well as cuvées that blend the unique native grapes of Romania with international varieties: Alb de Silagi (Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească Albă and Muscat Ottonel), Piatra Soarelui Colonada (Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Fetească Albă) and Roșu de Silagi (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Fetească Neagră).
Rudăria Historic Molinological Area (Rezervaţia Mulinologică “Cheile Rudăriei”).
A 4-miles stretch of river Rudăria is home twenty-two historic, horizontal, water mills.
Built in late 1700s or early 1800s, Rudăria water-mills stand in their original location, just south of
village Eftimie Murgu
(40 miles southeast of town of Oravita and 46 miles north of town of Orsova) and still serve the local community.
On the road from Oravita to Eftimie Murgu by two other attractions: Focul Viu Cave and Bigar Waterfall can be visited.
Trans-Semenic scenic road (DJ 582), from Reşiţa to Slatina-Timiş, via Gărâna.
A 38-miles drive
that offers beautiful views of the northern side of Semenic Mountains National Park.
Seven of these churches - the ones located in Bulza, Coşeviţa, Crivina de Sus, Dubeşti, Groşi, Homojdiaandi Poieni - still host regular services and support community activities.
Major Museums in Banat and Crisana regions
Town/ City | Museum name |
Arad | Arad History Museum -- Muzeul de Istorie Arad |
Oradea |
Rivers Criş Country Museum --
Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor - Oradea Oradea Fortress -- Cetatea Oradea Oradea Military Museum -- Muzeul Militar Oradea |
Oravita | Museum of Theatre History -- Muzeul de Istorie a Teatrului și a orașului Oravița |
Reşiţa |
Museum of Banat Mountains --
Muzeul Banatului Montan Steam Locomotives Museum - 1 -- Muzeul Locomotivelor - Reşiţa - 1 Steam Locomotives Museum - 2 -- Muzeul Locomotivelor - Reşiţa - 2 |
Timisoara |
Timișoara Art Museum -- Muzeul de Arta Timișoara (Region of) Banat History Museum -- Muzeul Banatului Museum of Rural Banat -- Muzeul Satului Bănățean |
Banat and Crisana Performing Arts
Town/ City | Performing Arts Institution |
Arad | Arad Philharmonic Orchestra -
Filarmonica Arad Arad Classical Theatre - Teatrul Clasic Ioan Slavici |
Oradea | Oradea Philharmonic Orchestra --
Filarmonica Oradea Queen Mary Theatre -- Teatrul Regina Maria - Oradea |
Timisoara |
Timișoara National Opera --
Opera Naționala Timișoara Timișoara Philharmonic Orchestra -- Filarmonica Banatul - Timișoara Timișoara German Theatre -- Teatrul German Timișoara Timișoara Hungarian Theatre -- Teatrul Maghiar de Stat Csiky Gergely Timișoara Timișoara Theatre for Young Audiences -- Teatrul pentru Copii 'Merlin' Timisoara Student Theatre -- Teatrul Studențesc Thespis Bastion Theresia -- Centrul Multifuncțional Bastion |
Satu Mare |
Satu - Mare Philharmonic Orchestra --
Filarmonica de Stat "Dinu Lipatti", Satu - Mare
Satu - Mare Drama Theatre -- Teatrul de Nord Satu Mare |
Outdoor Adventures & National Parks
Semenic – Cheile Caraşului National Park
(Parcului Naţional Semenic – Cheile Caraşului )
home to one of the most extensive cave systems in Romania
Cheile Nerei - Beusnita National Park
(Parcul Național Cheile Nerei – Beușnița)
91,000 acre protected area, wild gorges and unspoiled natural habitats home to over 130 species of fauna and more than 320 species of flora.
Danube River - Iron Gates Nature Park
(Parcul Natural Porţile de Fier)
286,000 acres of land home to 18 protected areas rich in avifauna, botanical, forest and fresh water ecosystems and rare wildlife.
Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park ( Parcul Național Domogled-Valea Cernei)
- over 100 caves, impressive gorges and rare wildlife
Mures River Meadows Nature Park
( Parcul Național Lunca Mureșului)
- home to over 200 species of birds, 1,000 species of plants and 50 species of fish. Park is located less than four miles southwest of city of Arad.
Most towns in the regions of Banat and Crisana are 60 minutes or less from areas that offer excellent conditions for biking, camping, caving, fishing, hiking, nature walks or wildlife watching.
Banat and Crisana Traditional Food
The traditional cuisine of Banat and Crisana regions is mainly based on pork, veal and grain.
Some local dishes feature Habsburg, Swabian and Serbian influences.
Many main courses in Banat feature sauces prepared with flour, beef bone broth and sour-cream.
A typical, traditional meal, in Banat / Crisana includes:
~ Iofca (small pieces of egg and flour dough - boiled then drained - and mixed with salty sheep’s-milk cheese, butter, sour-cream then baked in the oven)
~ Zupă Aurie or Zupă cu Tăiței (a clear hen soup with knife-cut home-made noodles).
Zupa is a must-have, at lunch, on Sundays
~ Carnați de Porc în sos de Vin Pork sausage in wine sauce
~ Varga Beles - a very popular desert – pudding, made from home-made noodles, cottage cheese mixed and raisins, is wrapped in pastry-dough and slowly baked in the oven.
Other Banat / Crisana traditional foods include:
~ Proia de mămăligă (appetizer made from cornmeal, yogurt, wheatflour, oil, eggs, white cheese),
~ Sângerete bănățean (blood sausage) - ingredients include blood, pork rind, neck fat, rice, onion, lard, seasonings, spices and natural casing,
~ Pasta de jumări (pork greaves spread) - ingredients include greaves, egg, mayonnaise, pepperonion, garlic,
~ Ceapă Umplută - (stuffed onion - onion filled with a mix of olives, walnuts, parsley, sourcream),
~ Paturata pe crumpi - Western Romania's version of deep-dish pizza,
~ Tuspais (or Ciuspais) - (stewed zucchini with sourcream or yogurt, dill and a little vinegar) served as an appetizer or side dish.
(from German "Zuspeis - side dish),
~ Cartofi Şvăbești (Swabian potato) - (potatoes, onion, paprika, bacon or lardons)
~ Tăiței cu Nucă si Mac - (egg noodles, steamed and, drizzled with honey or sugar and topped with ground walnuts and poppy seeds).
Winetasting / Wineries in Banat and CrisanaBanat and Crisana grapevine acreage is currently estimated at 29,730
There are eight major wine regions in Banat and Crisana:
Diosig, Măderat, Miniș, Podgoria Silvaniei, Recaș, Silagiu, Teremia Mare and Valea lui Mihai.
The first records of viticulture in the Banat and Transylvania regions date back from the time of the Roman invasion of Dacia, in the first century AD.
The most unique - and arguably best - wine produced in Crisana region is "Roșu de Miniș";
in 1862, at a wine competition in London, this unique red wine has won the 'Best of All' Wines Award.
Nearby Timisoara, lies the Recaș vineyard; its beginnings date back to the 15th century.
Some of the award-winning wines produced at Recaș include:
Italian Riesling, Feteasca Regala and Sauvignon Blanc (white wines); Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot (red wines).
» Wineries in Banat Region
Pivnițele Birăuaș
Wines: Burgundy, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir
Labels: Clasic, Josef and Stein
Address: Ghioroc 31C
Telephone: (+4) 0722 343.528
Crama de Vin Tirol - Senator Wine
Wines: Feteasca Regala, Feteasca Alba, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling Italian, Muscat Ottonel,
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cadarca, Majarca, Grand Burgund
Labels: Monser, Varius, Senator, Omnia, Suav, Glia
Address: Village Tirol - Doclin
Telephone: (+4) 0237 237.800
Crama Petro Vaselo
Wines: Chardonnay
Labels: Petro Vaselo
Address: Str. Principala 231, Petrovaselo
Telephone: (+4) 0728 135.058
Cramele Recas
Wines: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Syrah, Feteasca Neagra, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Regala, Merlot, Feteasca Regala Neagra
Labels: Selene, Calusari, La Putere, Lautarul, Dreambird, Dreamfish, Cocosul dintre Vii
Address: Recas - DJ609E
Telephone: (+4) 0256 330.100
Crama Dealul Dorului
Wines: Burgundy, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Fetească Neagră, Italian Riesling, Merlot Barique, Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc Fume
Labels: Maestoso, Acvila, Acvila Plus, Zodiac
Address: Str. Semenicului 101, Buzias - Ferma 3
Telephone: (+4) 0745 053.924
Crama Terra Natura - currently closed.
Wines: Sauvignon Blanc, Italian Riesling, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris
Labels: Terra Natura
Address: Str. Viilor 1, Jamu Mare
Telephone: (+4) 0 733 677.066
Crama Daiconi
Wines: Burgund, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cadarca, Chardonnay, Feteasca Regala, Italian Riesling, Merlot, Mustoasa de Maderat, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Roter Traminer
Labels: Daiconi Wine
Address: Str. Principala 49, Minis
Telephone: (+4) 0722 247.976
Crama Elite
Wines: Feteasca Regala, Mustoasa de Maderat, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon Rose, Pinot Noir, Merlot
Labels: Elite
Address: Masca - Siria
Telephone: (+4) 0720 934 491
Crama Balla Geza
Wines: Feteasca Neagra, Burgund, Cadarca
Labels: BG, Wine Princess, Stonewine
Address: DJ 708B, Miniș
Telephone: (+4) 0744 520.645
Agape Wine Farm
Wines: Cabernet Sauvingnon, Chasselas Blanc, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Neagra, Italian Riesling, Syrah
Labels: CabS, ICHOR, Kula, Luna, Nichi, RisPetNat, Vorbe
Address: Strada Principală 50, Silagiu
Telephone: (+4) 732 423.357
Crama Vila Zamer
Wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Italian Riesling, Merlot, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc
Labels: Villa Zamer
Address: village Jamu Mare
Telephone: (+4) 0744 691.256
Crama Varvara
Wines: Fetească Neagră, Fetească Neagră Rose, Fetească Regală, Muscat Ottonel, Shiraz
Labels: Crama Artizanala Varvara
Address: village Silagiu nr. 66
Telephone: (+4) 0770 468.663
Thesaurus Wines
Wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Regală, Italian Riesling, Merlot, Shiraz, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc
Labels: Amadoc, Amurg, Fleurs de Vie, Naadia, Reserve, Single Vineyard, Upgrape
Address: Strada Semenicului 100, Buziaș
Telephone: (+4) 0722 689.566
Crama Rykas
Wines: Cabernet, Chardonnay, Feteasca Neagră, Fetească Regală, Merlot, Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc
Labels: Oppidum Rekas and Possesio Rykas
Address: RFW8+RJ, Ianova
Telephone: (+4) 0720 934 491
» Wineries in Crișana Region
Podgoria Silvania
Wines: Chardonnay, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, sparkling wines – white and rose
Labels: Silvania Premium
Address: Str. Partizanilor 45, Simleul-Silvaniei
Telephone: (+4) 0756 111.709
Crama Ratesti
Wines: Feteasca Ragala, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Feteasca Neagra, Merlot, Pinot Noir
Labels: Crama Ratesti
Address: Str. Bucuresti 152, Ardud
Telephone: 0261 769.194
Crama Nachbil
Wines: Versil, Chardonnay Barrique, Gewurtztraminer, Syrah, Rhine Riesling
Labels: Capela, Nachbil
Address: Str. Pietii 428, Beltiug
Telephone: (4) 0757 109.755
Familia Hetei Cellars
Wines: Chardonnay Barrique, Feteasca Neagra, Merlot, Moscato Giallo, Pinor Noir, Shiraz
labels: Familia Hetei
Address: Str. Principala 611, Beltiug
Telephone: (+4) 0744 939.699
Carastelec Vinca
Wines: Feteasca Regala, Pinot Noir, Rhein Riesling
Labels: Vinca and Friza
Address: Str. Principala 604, Carastelec
Telephone: (+4) 0740 040.777
Crama Feredeu
Wines: Amarant (Merlot and Fetească Neagră), Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Regală, Merlot
labels: Ametist, Feredeu
Address: Str. Emil Montia, comuna Siria
Telephone: (+4) 0744 477.104
Podgoria Silvania
Wines: Sparkling wines: Chardonnay, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala, Merlot, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir
Labels: Magnum, Magura Silvaniei, Spumant
Address: Str. Partizanilor 45, Șimleu Silvaniei
Telephone: (+4) 0756 111.709
Transportation to Banat & Crisana
Air Transportation to Banat and CrisanaMajor airports in Banat and Crisana Regions:
Arad (ARW)
Oradea (OMR)
Timisoara (TSR)
Airlines with service to cities in Banat and/or Crisana regions include:
Air Connect, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Tarom.
There is frequent train and bus service from Bucharest and other major cities in Romania to Banat and Crisana regions.
Main train stations in Banat and Crisana regions include: Arad, Caransebes, Lugoj, Oradea, Orsova, Resita, Timisoara.
To check train and bus schedules for domestic routes please visit
RomaniaTourism Domestic Transportation section.
Information on international trains to/from Banat and Crisana are available at
RomaniaTourism International Transportation section.
Border crossing points into Crisana and Banat regions:
From/ to Hungary: Bors, Nadlac, Valea lui Mihai, Varsand, Carei, Petea, Urziceni
From/ to Serbia: Jimbolia, Naidas, Portile de Fier, Salonta, Stamora-Moravita, Turnu
Banat and Crisana Regions Tourist Info
City of Arad Tourist Information Centre
Biroul de Informare Turistica INFOTUR
Address: Bd. Revolutiei 81, Arad
Telephone: (+4) 0728 116.412
Town of Caransebes Tourist Information Centre
Centrul Național de Informare și Promovare Turistică Caransebeș
Address: Piața General I. Dragalina 2A, Caransebes,
Telephone: (+4) 0355 429.955
Caraș-Severin county Tourist Information Centre
Consiliul Judetean Caraș-Severin - Departamentul Turism
Address: Piața 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 1, Resita
Telephone: (+4) 0359 800.202
City of Oradea Tourist Information Centre - Visit Oradea
Centrul de Informare și Promovare a Turismului - Oradea
Address: Cetatea Oradea, Corp A, Piața Emanuil Gojdu 39-41, Oradea
Telephone: (+4) 0359 800.202
Bihor county Tourist Information Centre
Centrul Național de Informare și Promovare Turistică Bihor
Address: Strada Patriotilor 2, Oradea
Telephone: (+4) 0359 800.202
City of Timisoara Tourist Info Centre - VisitTimisoara
Centrul Informare Turistica Timişoara
Address: Strada Alba Iulia 2
Telephone: (+4) 0748 889.925
Timis county Tourist Information Centre
Centrul pentru Informare Turistica - Timiș
Strada Hector 4
Bastion Theresia, Corp C
Telephone: (+4) 0356 181.350
Banat and Crisana Maps
Romania Historical Regions Map
Romania Tourist Attractions Map