Town of Târgu Mureș Fast Facts
Name: Târgu Mureș (pronounced: Tɨr ɡoo . Moo resh)
Location: Transylvania, Central Romania
Nearest airports: Târgu Mureș and Cluj
Area: 3.7 sq. miles (9.7 sq. kilometers)
Elevation: 710 - 790 ft. (222 - 247 meters)
Population: 148,000
First documented: 1322
Iconic Landmark: Palace of Culture
Named literally for a 'market' on the Mureș River and alsi known as the city of roses,
Târgu Mureș (Neumarkt am Mieresch in German ang Marosvásárhely in Hungarian) enjoys the best of both Romanian and Hungarian cultures.
Numerous vestiges attest the presence of Neolithic cultures and those of the Bronze and Metal Ages in this area.
Archaeological diggings have brought to light Roman relics in the surrounding towns.
Târgu Mureș was first documented as 'Novum Forum Sicolorum' (The New Market of the Seklars) in 1322.
Beginning with the 16th century, Târgu Mureș excels as an important cultural and education centre. The first school appears in 1492.
In 1786, the first printing shop is established and in 1802 count Teleki Samuel, chancellor of Transylvania,
lays the foundations of the documentary library that bears his name to this day.
The city received a major boost to its social and economic life in 1754 when it became the seat of the supreme court of justice of the Principality of Transylvania.
During medieval times, guilds, made up of groups of craftsmen, played an important role in the evolution of the town. Artisan guilds had their privileges recognized since 1493. In 1620, members of the guilds took part in the building of the town fortress. Two of the most important guilds were the shoemakers and tanners ones. In 1800, the shoemakers' guild had the most members, namely 254. The guild system lasted until 1872.
Târgu Mureș became a modern town in the second half of the 19th century, along with the expansion of the railway line.
Today its centrally located Piata Trandafirilor (Roses Square) is lined with modern streetside cafes and restaurants, churches, and monuments.
Târgu Mureș' top attraction is located at the south end of the square: the Culture Palace (Palatul Culturii),
a flamboyant early 20th-century city hall with an outstanding stained-glass hall, housing some of main local museums.
Sights and Landmarks
Apollo Palace Palatul Apollo
Address: Piata Trandafirilor 5
Apollo Palace was built between 1820 and 1822 at the initiative of count Teleki Sámuel.
The building was initially decorated in the late Baroque style and had only two stories. In early 1900s,
the façade was modified and the only remaining Baroque elements are the reinforced vaults with double arcs.
The ground floor was designated for shops
and the second floor for residences, a meeting hall, a restaurant and a café.
At the beginning of the 20th century the palace served as a venue for numerous shows and events.
In 1923 Apollo Palace was sold to a new owner who decided to transform the balroom into apartments (1925 - 1927).
The façade was also remodeled at that time in an eclectic style specific to the early 20th century.
Today Apollo Palace is home to the local Art School.
Cladirea Vechii Prefecturi
Address: Str. Bolyai 5
The former seat of the Prefecture has been in use since 1711.
After its owner was condemned for treason, the house was confiscated and became property of Mures County.
Construction works to expand the building started in 1744 under the supervision of judge Dóza Mihai.
The neighboring plots of land were bought during the 19th century so that the construction could be further expanded.
The lateral wings were erected between 1824 and 1838, and the back wing between 1842 and 1843.
The ground floor served throughout the years as a prison and on the top floor as an assembly hall.
Currently, these spaces are used as workshops by the artists of Târgu Mureș.
Casa Palffy
Address: Str. Bolyai 12
The first elements of Baroque architecture appeared, in Târgu Mureș, in the second half of the 17th century.
The Pálffy House, built around 1640, reflects an evolutionary stage that surpasses typical Renaissance architectural elements such as those of the oldest buildings of Târgu Mureș, the Köpeczi and Nagy Szabó houses.
The edifice was built by judge Tolnai János and sold to the Pálffy family in 1885, hence the name by which the building is known today.
The building was renovated in 2006 and today it hosts the newly established Music School of the University of Theatrical Arts of Târgu Mureș.
Palatul Prefecturii
Address: Str. Primariei 2
The current headquarters of Mures County Council (also known as the former City Hall building),
The Perfecture building is part, together with the Culture Palace,
of a spectacular secessionist ensemble built at the beginning of the 20th century.
It was the first building out of a series meant to change the appearance of the new city center.
The building was erected between 1907 and 1908 under the supervision of architects Komor Marcel and Jakob Dezsö,
the founders of a distinctive Art Nouveau trend in Transylvania.
The palace is remarkable for its 192 feet high spire, built originally as a watchtower of the town,
placed asymmetrically and covered - like the rest of the building - with colorful Majolica tin glazed pottery.
The impressive entrance hall- in the style of the Knights' Hall at Corvin Castle in Hunedoara – is decorated with huge stained glass windows.
Biserica din Lemn Sf. Arhanghel Mihai
Address: Str. Saguna 13 A
The oldest Orthodox Church in Târgu Mureș
harmoniously combines Romanian rural architectural style with Baroque influences.
The church was built between 1793 and 1794 with the help of trader Hagi Stoian Constandin,
who bought and donated the land, obtained all needed building permits and personally financed the works.
Orthodox and Greek-Catholics found themselves in need of building separate places of worship.
Thus, two churches were built in the same period, right next to each other.
Bibiloteca Teleki
Address: Str. Bolyai 17
Open: Tue. – Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission charge
Teleki Library, founded at the end of the 18th century by Sámuel Teleki, chancellor of Transylvania,
contains a large collection of first editions and important manuscripts documenting Transylvanian history, as well as mathematical and scientific works.
Count Sámuel Teleki, closely connected to the Mures area through his origins and the fact that he spent part of his life
at his personal residence in Dumbravioara (a village only a few kilometers outside of Târgu Mureș),
had established here the first city library by making his 40,000 books – some of which were unique editions
published by famous European printing houses – available to the public.
More important collections were added in time, amounting to over 250,000 tomes today.
Cetatea Medievala Târgu Mures
In 1492 Prince Stefan Bathory ordered a castle-fortress to be erected around the Franciscan monastery.
A few of the original elements have been preserved, among them wall fragments on the Southern and Western sides, the tower on the Southern wing,
attached to the furriers' bastion, and ruins of the South-Western tower, included nowadays in the tanners' bastion.
The structure of these towers and the fact that they are square-shaped are indicative of a medieval type military architecture.
Six bastions were added during the reign of Gabriel Bethlen (1613 – 1629).
The furriers' bastion, erected in 1628, was divided into four levels, the vast interior space allowing for several craftsmen's guilds to function here.
In addition to the furriers' guild after which the bastion was named, the locksmiths' and goldsmiths' guilds also had their headquarters here.
Each bastion has firing holes for cannons on lower levels and for hand-held weapons in the walls of the first and second floors.
The erection of surrounding curtain walls took until the second half of the 17th century.
The inside of the walls are provided with archways supported by posts that sustain the guard path that is on the same level as the firing holes.
There may have been defense ditches on the outside which were covered in time as they were not used.
The fact that Transylvania lost its status of autonomous principality and became part of the Hapsburg Empire
entailed a series of changes in what concerns military architecture.
Modern, Vauban type fortresses were built in many Transylvanian towns such as Alba-Iulia, Oradea, Timisoara.
The political changes in the principality were not without consequence to the fortress of Târgu Mures.
The houses inside the fortress were demolished to make place for the military headquarters and bakery.
Following the restorations of 1962 – 1965, the walls and bastions reclaimed their initial form.

Targu Mures Jewish Heritage
The first evidence of Jewish presence in Târgu Mureș dates back to 1682.
By 1740 Targu Mures became home to the second-largest Jewish community in Transylvania,
after to the community in Alba Iulia.
a document dated August 26, 1638 indicates that the authorities sentenced Stephen (Istvan) Boros of Târgu Mures to capital punishment, for following the Jewish religion. Boros’ property was confiscated and awarded to Peter Vallon (of village Vanatori) - vice-captain of the infantry court guard.
In 1920, 3,246 Jews called Targu Mures home. The Jews community of Târgu Mureș was very active in manufacturing, publishing, commerce, and banking and contributed significantly to the development of the city.
Sinagoga Status Quo Ante Synagogue
Sinagoga Mare - Targu Mures
Address: Strada Aurel Filimon 21
Telephone: (+4) 0265 261.810
Completed in 1899, the Status Quo Ante Synagogue (the Great Temple) was, for almost half a century,
the house of worship of Targu Mures' thriving Jewish community.
In the early 1940s, Targu Mures’ Jewish community exceeded 5,000 members (almost 14% of the city’s population).
Designed by Austrian, Jewish, architect, Iakob Gartner
the temple features an eclectic mix of architectural styles and influences including Moorish, Romanesque, Gothic, and Baroque.
The most easily recognizable features, of the temple’s exterior,
are the two onion-shaped domes and the main octagonal tower, featuring a rosette window on each side.

The synagogue seats 552 worshipers, 314 at the main level and 238 on the second-level (ladies’ balcony).

Targu Mures Jewish Community
Comunitatea Evreilor din Târgu Mureș
Address: Str. Aurel Filimon 23
Telephone: (+4) 0265 261.810
Jewish Cemeteries Targu Mures
Jewish Cemetery Status Quo Ante
Cimitirul Evreiesc Status Quo Ante
Address: Strada Verii 10
Jewish Orthodox Cemetery
Cimitirul Ortodox Evreiesc
Address: Strada Suceava 29
Târgu Mureș Museums
Târgu Mureș Art Museum
Muzeul de Arta Târgu Mures
Address: Palatul Culturii - Piaţa Victoriei 1
Tue. – Fri.: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sat.: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Sun.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Ethnography and Folk Art Museum
Muzeul de Etnografie si Arta Populara
Address: Piata Trandafirilor 11
Tue. – Fri.: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sat:. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Sun.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
"Ion Vlasiu" Painting Gallery
Galeria de Artă Ion Vlasiu
Address: Str. Borsos Tamás 17
"Nagy Imre" Painting Gallery
Pinacoteca Nagy Imre
Address: Str. Koteles Samuel 1
Natural Science Museum
Muzeul de Științe ale Naturii
Address: Str. Horea 24
Tue. – Fri.: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sat. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Sun. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
History and Archeology Museum
Muzeul Judetean de Arheologie si Istorie
Address: Str. Avram Iancu 2
Tue. – Fri.: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Performing ArtsTârgu Mureș Drama Theatre
Teatrul National Târgu Mures
Address: Piața Teatrului 1
Childrens and Youth Theatre "Ariel"
Teatrul pentru Copii si Tineret Ariel
Address: Strada Poligrafiei 4
Târgu Mures Philharmony
Filarmonica de Stat Târgu Mures
Address: Strada George Enescu 2
Telphone: (+4) 0265 262.548
Liliac Winery
Crama Liliac
Address: village Batoș, Str. Liliac 41A
Telephone: (+4) 0786 278.987
Petry Estate Winery
Conacul Simén - Crama Petry
Address: village Calimanesti 40
Telephone: (+4) 0727 802.200
Day Trips from Targu Mures
Town of ReghinLocation: 20 miles north of Târgu Mures
Access: car, train
Town of Reghin, straddling both shores of the Mures River, is renowned for the craftsmanship of the town's violin makers.
Reghin dates back to 1218, when the Saxons built a settlement on the ruins of a Dacian fortress.
The town's central square, Piata Petru Maior, is lined with 19th and early 20th-century buildings, featuring wrought-iron balconies and colorful facades.
Where: 28 miles east of Târgu Mureș
Address: Str. Eroilor 2, village Gurghiu
Originally built (in late renaissance style in mid-1600s) as a hunting lodge,
Rakoczi-Bornemisza mansion was rebuilt (1718 and 1734), in baroque style.
Significant renovations and expansion were commisioned in 1881.
The 300 years-old, 12-acre, Gurghiu dendrological park is home to over 350 species of plants,
(local and exotic), including 130 species of trees and bushes.
Rákóczi-Bornemisza more info
Telephone: (+4) 0256 321 773
Location: 27 miles south of Târgu Mures
Access: car, train
Sighisoara info
Crama Castel Haller - Jidvei
Location: 32 miles west of Târgu Mures (Tarnaveni)
Access: car
Local wines can be sampled at the 16th century Bethlen-Haller Castle in Cetatea de Balta.
Salina Praid
Location: 39 miles east of Târgu Mures
Access: car, bus
Praid Salt Mine Info
Location: 49 miles southwest of Târgu Mureș
Access: car, train
Mediaș Info
Location: 44 miles east of Târgu Mureș
Access: car
Corund is best know for the black and blue-and-white decorated pottery, hand-made by local potters.
Production of pottery in Corund was first documented in 1613.
Corund pottery more info.
Biserica Fortificata Biertan
Location: 42 miles southwest of Târgu Mures
Access: car
Biertan Fortress info
Location: 40 miles southeast of Târgu Mureș
Access: car
Saschiz Info
Salina Turda
Where: 48 miles west of Târgu Mureș
Access: car, bus
An important salt-mining town, during the 16th century,
Turda was the seat of the Transylvanian Diet and one of the wealthiest towns in the region.
Turda's main street is lined with grand stone houses and some well-preserved baroque facades.
The town's Calvinist church and the Roman Catholic Church, both dating from the 1400s, are fine examples of Gothic architectural style.
Turda Salt Mine more Info.
Three miles west of Turda salt mine, at Crama Salina (Turda Wine Cellars), visitors can try locally produced wines, including the rare Issa Pinot Noir Rose (dry) and the Ice Wine (sweet).
City of Cluj NapocaLocation: 65 miles northwest of Târgu Mureș
Access: car, train
Cluj-Napoca info
Târgu Mureș – Praid – Sovata -- Sângeorgiu de Mureș -- Târgu Mureș
Distance driven: 84 miles (135 km)
Itinerary map
Stops/main attractions:
¬ Town of Praid salt mine
¬ Mocanita - narrow gauge train ride
(18-miles route: Sovata ¬ Halta Campu Cetatii ¬ Sovata, two hours ride)
¬ Sângeorgiu de Mureș salt baths
Trip Planning Info
Air transportation to / from Târgu Mureș
Târgu Mureș Airport
Aeroportul International Transilvania
Address: Vidrasau, Sos. Târgu-Mures – Ludus km. 14.5
Telephone: (+4) 0265 328.259
Târgu Mureș airport is located in village Vidrasau (9 miles southwest of the city centre).
There is bus service from Târgu Mureș airport to Târgu Mureș city centre /
Piata Victoriei.
Airlines with service to Târgu Mureș include: Air Connect, Tarom, WizzAir .
Nearest airports to Târgu Mureș are:
Sibiu (SBZ) - 70 miles southwest,
Cluj Napoca (CLJ) - 80 miles northwest
Train transportation to / from Târgu Mureș
Târgu Mureș - main train station
Gara Târgu Mureș
Piata Garii
Telephone: (+4) 0265 236.284
There are daily direct trains from/ to Târgu Mureș to/ from:
Cluj Napoca (2 hours and 30 minutes)
Miercurea-Ciuc (5 hours)
Budapest (Hungary) (travel time – 9 hours).
To check train schedules and fares for domestic and international routes please visit RomaniaTourism transportation section
Bus transportation to / from Târgu Mureș
Târgu Mureș Inter-City Bus Stations
Autogara Duda Trans
Piaţa Gării 6
Daily bus service from/to: Bucuresti, Bicaz, Brasov, Campia Turzii, Cluj Napoca, Constanta, Iasi, Lacu Rosu, Ludus,
Oradea, Piatra Neamt, Reghin, Satu Mare, Sighisoara, Sinaia, Târgu Neamt, Turda.
Car Transportation
The fastest route from Bucharest to Târgu Mureș is:
Bucharest – Ploiesti– Sinaia – Brasov – Sighisoara – Târgu Mureș (Road E60)
Travel distance from Târgu Mureș to other major cities in Romania:
Bucharest — 214 mi / 343 km miles
Arad — 225 mi / 375 km miles
Baia Mare — 129 mi / 207 km miles
Brasov — 108 mi / 173 km miles
Budapest (Hungary) — 372 mi / 526 km miles
Cluj Napoca — 67 mi / 107 km miles
Constanta — 349 mi / 561 km miles
Iasi — 193 mi / 311 km miles
Oradea — 162 mi / 260 km miles
Satu Mare — 151 mi / 243 km miles
Sibiu — 82 mi / 132 km miles
Sighetu Marmatiei — 139 mi / 223 km miles
Sighisoara — 27 mi / 44 km miles
Suceava — 176 mi / 283 km miles
Timisoara — 236 mi / 379 km miles
Tulcea — 311 mi / 501 km miles
Vienna (Austria) — 475 mi / 763 km
Târgu Mureș Public Transportation
Central Târgu Mureș is small enough to cover by foot. Bus #18 takes you from Piata Teatrului and Piata Trandafirilor to the bus station; bus #5 goes to the train station. The cost of a one-way ticket is approximately 50 cents.
Taxi companies in Târgu Mureș
Bravo - 0265 204.944
Cornisa - 0265 204.943
Cristi - 0265 204.949
Pluto - 0265 313.131
Relexa - 0265 204.946
Royal - 0265 204.942
Transaldea - 0265 204.941
Trans-Sil - 0265 204.948
Tranzit - 0265 204.947
Venus - 0265 204.940
Viva - 0265 204.945
Târgu Mureș Car rental companies
Great Târgu Mureș car rental rates.
Phone: (+4) 0749 033.323
Avis Car Rental - Târgu Mureș International Airport
Phone: (+4) 0733 104.321
EuroCars Romania - Târgu Mureș Airport
Phone:(+4) 0727 373.799
Inter Rent Transilvania
Phone: (+4) 0728 320.477
Phone: (+4) 0744 801.135
Promotor Rent a Car
Phone: (+4) 0727 37 37 99
Rino Car Rental
Phone: (+4) 0747 725.134
Phone: (+4) 021 94.00 (this is valid short phone #)
Târgu Mureș Hotels
Accommodations in Târgu Mureș include:
Hotel Name | Class | Location |
Privo | boutique / upscale | 0,5 miles south of Târgu Mureș city centre |
Cocosul de Aur | boutique / upscale | 0,6 miles north of Târgu Mureș city centre |
Haller | boutique / upscale | Târgu Mureș city centre |
Concordia | four-star / upscale | city centre |
Continental Forum | four-star / midscale | Târgu Mureș city centre |
Grand | four-star / midscale | city centre |
Plaza V Executive | boutique / midscale | Târgu Mureș city centre |
Hampton by Hilton | four-star / midscale | 1.5 miles SE of Târgu Mureș city centre |
Tourist Info
Târgu Mureș Tourist Information Centre
Asociația Visit Mureş - Egyesület
Address: Piața Victoriei 1
Telephone: (+4) 0787 315.741
Monday -- Friday:   9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday:   9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Targu Mures Tourist Information Centre provides maps, brochures,
information on accommodations, restaurants, transportation and day-trips.
Targu Mures Health and Emergency
Pharmacies open non-stop
EcoFarmacia Help Net
Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 39
Tel: (+4) 0732 500.131
Targu Mures Hospitals
Mures County Hospital
Spitalul Clinic Judetean Mures
Address: Piața Bernády György 6,
Tel: (+4) 0265 215.133
Emergency Hospital Targu Mures
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Mures
Address: Strada Dr. Gh. Marinescu 50,
Tel: (+4) 0265 212.111
Regina Maria – Puls Hospital
Spitalul Regina Maria – Puls, Targu Mures Mures
Address: Strada Gheorghe Marinescu 4,
Tel: (+4) 0751 199.709
Targu Mures Local Authorities
Targu Mureș City Hall
Primaria Municipiului Targu Mures
Address: Piata Victoriei 3,
Telephone: (+4) 0265 268.330
Târgu Mureș County Archives
Directia Judeteana a Arhivelor Nationale Mures
Address: Str. Crizantemelor 8,
Târgu Mureș 540073
Telephone: (+4) 0265 235.064
Mures County Consumer Protection Agency
Comisariatul Judeţean pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor Mureş (ANPC)
Address: Str. Livezeni 7,
Tel: (+4) 0265 254.625

Postal Service Targu Mures
Telephoning Târgu Mures from Abroad
International Access Code (011 for US and Canada)
+ 4 (country code) -- 0265 or 0365 (area code) -- six-digit telephone number
Targu Mures Main Postal Office
Oficiul Postal 1
Address: Strada Revoluției 2A
Telephone: (+4) 0265 213.386
Targu Mures Maps
Târgu Mureș City-Centre Map (Harta zona centrala Târgu-Mures)
City of Târgu Mureș interactive Street Map (Harta Interactiva Targu Mures)
Romania Physical Map (Romania - Harta Fizica)
Romania Detailed Road Map (Romania - Harta Detaliata)
Romania Road Map (Romania - Harta Drumurilor, Sosele)
Romania Rail Map (Romania - Harta Cailor Ferate)