Romania is a year-round tourist destination.
End of April to the beginning of July and end of August to the end of October are, arguably, the best sightseeing periods; temperatures are generally mild and not peak travel season.
Summers can be hot especially in Southern Romania, including Bucharest. Along the Black Sea Coast, sea breezes offer moderate temperatures. The mountain towns and higher elevation areas are warm and pleasant during summer.
Winters can be cold, especially in the mountain areas and snow is common throughout the country from December to mid March. Skiers can usually enjoy their favorite sport in the Carpathian Mountain resorts from December until mid-April.

Money and Budget Guide

Currency exchange

Romania's currency is Leu (plural "Lei" - pronunciation: lay).
Common Abbreviation: RON

Banknote denominations: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 lei
(all banknotes are printed on polymer)
Coins: 1, 5, 10 and 50 bani pieces. (pronunciation: bahnee)
1 leu = 100 bani

Foreign currencies may be exchanged at banks or
at authorized exchange offices (called: "casa de schimb" or "birou de schimb valutar").
International airports and larger hotels also offer currency exchange services.

Current exchange rate for selected foreign currencies.

Romania's currency (Lei) is not readily available abroad.
If you do not wish to keep your leftover Romanian Lei please make sure that,
before leaving Romania, you have converted them into the currency of your choice.
ATM (Bancomat)

ATM machines are available at main banks and at airports and shopping centres.
There are very few or no ATMs in remote areas or villages.
ATMs that have symbols for international networks such as STAR and PLUS will accept foreign banking cards.

Credit cards

Major credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa and American Express, are accepted in large hotels, car rental companies and stores in the main cities and towns.
However, shops very few small villages or vendors at/near tourist attractions may not accept credit cards.

Contrary to practice in the United States, a PIN is usually required
to make payments of 100 lei (US$ 22) or more with a credit or banking card.
Many American banks allow cardholders to establish such a PIN prior to travel, in case one is needed.
If you do not have a pin just tell the cashier "this is a no pin credit card".
Regardless, it is a good idea to notify your bank of your international travel,
and the potential legitimate use of your card abroad, prior to leaving home.

Small stores, street handicraft vendors and restaurants might accept U.S. Dollars and Euros in small denominations
but the exchange rate offered will not be the best.

Currency exchange Tips

Cash (major foreign currencies) can be easily exchanged at any bank or Currency Exchange Office
(Casa de Schimb or Casa de Schimb Valutar).

Currency exchange rates offered by the exchange offices at airports and other border crossing points
can be 10% to 20% less than the official rate.

Taxi drivers serving the airport will probably accept US Dollars or Euros but most stores in Romania will only accept lei.

US Dollars are as good and popular as the Euros;
U.S. and Canadian visitors do not need to buy Euros before leaving the USA / Canada
as the Euros need to be converted into Romanian Lei anyways.

Budget Guide

Entrance fees to museums, historic buildings and attractions are rarely more than $5.00.

Hotels outside Bucharest range from $55 to $150 per night/double room, with full breakfast and taxes included.

A three-course dinner, for two, with wine and tip starts at $35.00
and can go up to $200.00 or more in very upscale restaurants.

Average price for selected goods & services in Romania (Bucharest):

Product/servicePrice (U.S. Dollar equivalent)*

Foods / Drinks
Loaf of white bread (1/2 lb.)$0.22 - $2.50
(0.95 Lei - 10 Lei)
Pretzel (Covrig)$0.25 - $0.50
(1 Leu - 2 Lei)
Potato Chips (2.5 oz bag)$0.75 -- $1.50
One lb of (local) sheep's milk cheese
(telemea de oaie)
$4.00 -- $6.00
One lb of ground beef$3.00 - $5.00
One lb of beef tenderloin$8.50 and up
McDonald's Big Mac meal$2.50
5 oz yogurt cup$0.25
Quart of milk$1.25
Bottle of mineral water (17 fl.oz. -- 0.5 litre)$0.50 (supermarket)
Bottle of Pepsi Cola (17 fl.oz. -- 0.5 litre)$0.75 (supermarket)
Bottle of domestic beer (12 fl.oz. -- 0.33 litre)$0.75 (supermarket) /
from $1.50 (restaurant)
Bottle of Romanian wine (liquor store)from $3.50

Bus ticket - Bucharest (one trip)$0.75 (3 Lei)
Subway ticket - Bucharest $1.25 (two-trips card -- "doua calatorii") /
$2.00 (day-pass -- "Abonament o zi")
Bucharest "combo ticket"
/(valid for bus/ tram/ trolley & subway rides)
$1.25 (one ticket valid for 120 minutes of travel) /
$3.50 (24 hours-pass -- "Abonament o zi")
$8.50 (72 hours-pass -- "Abonament pentru trei zile")
Train ticket Bucharest to Brasov
(one way, express train)
$17 (1st class) /
$11.50 (2nd class)
Train ticket Bucharest to Constanta
(one way, express train)
$21 (1st class) /
$14.50 (2nd class)
Train ticket Bucharest to Suceava
(one way, express train)
$33 (1st class) /
$22 (2nd class)
Train ticket Bucharest to Cluj
(one way, express train)
$33.50 (1st class) /
$22.50 (2nd class)
One gallon of gasoline (3.8 liters)$6.05 / gallon ($1.60 / litre)
(6.10 Lei / Litre)
One gallon of Diesel (3.8 liters)$5.50 / gallon ($1.45 / litre)
(5.85 Lei / Litre)

Best opera/ theatre seat$24
Movie ticket$5.25

* Local prices (in Lei) transformed into U.S. Dollars (exchange rate of 4.00 Lei / Dollar).
Although some stores, merchants or taxi drivers may accept payments in $ U.S. and other freely convertible currencies the National Bank of Romania regulations stipulate that payments for goods and services purchased in Romania should be made with Romanian money, LEI (the abbreviation RON is commonly used).



Romania's electrical current is 230 V -- 50 cycles;
sockets take the standard continental European dual round-pronged plugs.

Image of a plug adaptor - required for non-European appliances. A plug adaptor may be required for non-European appliances.
To check if your appliance or device needs a plug adaptor please visit

A power converter is necessary for appliances requiring 110 V.



Cellular telephones (renting or buying) are very popular in Romania and very easy to obtain.
A Global eSIM card with Unlimited Data is a great, practical and economical, option for visitors.

Dialing within Romania:

0 + three digit area code + six digit telephone #
when dialing anywhere in the countryside or

0 + 21 + seven digit telephone # or 0 + 31 + seven digit telephone #
when dialing a number Bucharest.

Three digit telephone numbers are local toll-free numbers for emergencies or businesses.

International dialing from Romania:
00 + country code + area code + telephone #

Dialing from a foreign country directly to Bucharest:
International Access Code +4 (country code) + 021 or 031 + seven digit telephone #

Dialing from a foreign country directly to any other city in Romania:
International Access Code + 4 (country code) + 0 + three digit area code + six digit phone #


Disabled visitors

Access for people with disabilities to Romania's tourist attractions has improved in recent years and, it remains a priority.
However, it is advisable that visitors with reduced mobility to check with all service providers, prior to their visit, if they are able to meet their particular needs.
Advance notice and reservations will also help ensure that you receive the best possible assistance.
Additional resources:
Accessible Travel Guide, from Celebrity Cruises
Mobility friendly travel guide, from National Council of Aging.



In most Romanian cities, there are no many public restrooms;
your best bet might be large hotels, department stores or fast-food restaurants.
Use of some public rest rooms may be subject to a small fee.
Some public facilities in crowded areas, including those in trains and train stations,
occasionally run out of toilet paper or might not be cleaned often enough.
Carrying a packet of tissues with you is always a good idea.
Restrooms signs will indicate:
"Femei" or "Doamne" (for women) respectively
"Barbati" or "Domni" (for men).



Many adults in Romania are smokers and, unfortunately,
some of those who do smoke have little regard of non-smokers' comfort.
Smoking is banned in every public/ closed space;
fines are imposed on offenders (individuals or businesses).

Smoking is not allowed on planes, on buses and on trains as well as in restaurants and bars.
Luxury hotels have designated no-smoking floors
but smaller hotels may be a little slow in designating non-smoking rooms/ floors.

Smoking is, of course, prohibited in public places such as hospitals, concert halls, and theatres.


Safety & Emergencies

Although violent crime against tourists is almost non-existent
visitors should take customary steps to safeguard their valuables.
Leave your passport in the hotel's safety deposit box and carry a copy of it with you.
Be aware of pickpockets and scam artists in major cities.

Do not attempt to exchange money on the street;
you will likely be short-changed or receive a pile of worthless bills.
Beware of con men masquerading as plainclothes police;
who may pretend to check your papers or accuse you of exchanging currency on the black market.

Emergency Contacts in Bucharest

General emergency phone number: 112

US Embassy (+4) 021 200 33 00
Embassy of Canada(+4) 021 307 50 00
Embassy of the United Kingdom(+4) 021 201 72 00
Embassy of Australia (in Greece)(+3) 0210 870 40 00
Embassy of New Zeeland - Belgium(+32) 2 550 12 21

Other Foreign diplomatic offices in Romania.



LGBT Travel

"Although we did encounter some negative attitudes towards homosexuality, it was not much different from those that we've experienced in other countries. We both agree that it would not prevent us from visiting Romania again".
(opinion recently expressed by a U.S. lesbian couple).

Attitudes and tolerance toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons vary from country to country, just as they vary among U.S. cities and states. Most LGBT travelers encounter no problems while in Romania, but it helps to be prepared and research your destination before you go.

Social conservatism in Eastern Europe, especially with regard to LGBT rights and marriage equality, has definitely had its hold on Romania until relatively recently. Romania's institutional recognition of gay rights has been in place only since 2002 but now the country's anti-discrimination and anti hate crime legislation is progressive. When it joined the European Union in 2007, Romania was required to acknowledge gay marriages from other locations.
Gay-friendly cities include Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara and Iasi.

Here are some tips for LGBT travelers:

Most hotel staff should be discreet and respectful.
If in doubt, ask about the establishment's level of gay tolerance before making a reservation.
When you can select between a larger hotels and a small, family-type B&B go for the hotel.

If you are especially concerned about discrimination but want to find like-minded locals in gay Romania,
hire a guide who knows where to go and which places to avoid.
Sizeable university towns are the best places for gay people to party and explore.

ACCEPT is the official Romanian LGBT organization.

No incidents regarding Gay travelers have been reported.
However, in smaller towns it would be wise for Gay couples to exercise caution about public displays of affection.

There is a plethora of gay and gay friendly clubs where you can let it all hang out.


Rules of the Road

Minimum driving age is 18.

An international driver's license is not needed for visitors from:
1. The European Union (Eu citizens)
2. Citizens of countries that have signed a Treaty to mutually recognize driver's licenses
3. Citizens of countries that have signed   Geneva Road Traffic Convention   and/ or   Vienna Road Traffic Convention.

Most Romania Police officers will consider valid driver's licenses issued to visitors from the U.S.A., Canada and Australia, by their national authorities.
However, since neither of the countries named above have adhered to the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Conventions getting an international drivers license is recommended for all American, Canadian and Australian visitors who are planning to explore Romania by (own/ rented) car.
The Police can retain/ confiscate any form of a driver’s license or permit issued to a traffic laws offender.

Intro to traffic laws in Romania, from the US Embassy.

Romania has zero alcohol tolerance for drivers.
Any blood alcohol level above 0.0 is considered a crime.

Driving is on the right side of the road.

Passengers in the front seat of a car must wear seatbelts at all times.

Children under 12 years of age must ride in the back seat.

Unless posted otherwise, speed limits are:
30 or 50 km/h (20 mph or 31 mph) in build-up areas,
90 km/h (56 mph) on main roads
and 130 km/h (80 mph) on highways.

The use of cellular phones while driving is prohibited (only hands-free devices are allowed).

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is a criminal offense and penalties are severe.
The police have the authority to stop vehicles at random and to perform preliminary breath alcohol tests.

In case of a car accident do not leave the site, call the police and make sure that you get a copy of the Police Report.
General emergency number is: 112

Independent travelers entering Romania by car (own or rental) need to obtain a road toll sticker, called RoVinieta.
RoVigneta is available on-line at: and
as well as at most border-crossing points, postal offices and gas stations.
Cost of RoVinieta, for passenger cars (Romanian currency equivalent of):

Validityone day10 days30 days60 daysone year
Cost$3 US$4 US$6 US$9.50 US$30 US


Business Hours

Banks are usually open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Some banks are also open on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Specialty stores (handicraft / gift / souvenir) in downtown area are usually open from 9 am to 6 pm.
Malls and superstores are open until 9 p.m. or even later.
Authentic handicrafts available in specliaty stores include: embroideries, ceramics, pottery, porcelain, crystal, glassware, silverware, carpets, rugs, fabrics, wool jumpers, woodcarvings, glass paintings and more.
Antiques ("Antichitati") and Consigned Goods ("Consignatia") shops
often have rare items that deserve shoppers' attention.


Sales tax for goods and services

VAT / Value Added Tax (in Romanian: T V A - Taxa pe Valoare Adăugată )

A sales tax (TVA) of 19% is added to most retail sales
(9% for hotel stays, meals served in restaurants and organic food).
The TVA is usually included in the prices posted in stores, hotels and restaurants.

Like in many countries hotels charge an additional "local" tax (0.5% to 5%).

VAT Refund - VAT refund offices (Birou de Restituire TVA)
can be found at a limited number of border crossing points and shops.

Conditions to qualify for a (VAT) Tax Refund:
1. Buyer/ visitor has permanent residence in / citizenship of/ a non-EU country
2. Good(s) have been purchased in a store that participates in the (VAT) Tax Refund Program
3. Good(s) are taken out from Romania sooner that 90 days after date of purchase
4. Minimum value of purchased good(s) is greater than 175 Euros (VAT included);
Value in Euros will be determined based in exchager rate in effect on
first working day in October of previous year …

Documents needed to request a (VAT) Tax Refund:
a. Original invoice
b. VAT Refund form - provided by store
(two original copies need to be filled-in, one will be kept by the store.

Refund can be obtained:
~ at the authorized store that have sold the good(s)
~ at any specialized Tax Refund Office

All refunds will be made in Romanian currency "Lei"


Customs & Etiquette

Romanians are friendly and open and foreigners are usually made very welcome. Chatting with visitors is very common for Romanians and they will find a way to communicate with you even if they cannot speak your language.

Older people particularly appreciate old-fashioned politeness.
It is respectful to use Mrs. or Mr. when using the name of a person that you just meet.

Handshaking is the most common form of greeting.
When a Romanian man is introduced to a woman, he will probably kiss her hand, strictly avoiding her eyes.

If one refuses what a host offers to eat or drink, this will often be taken as a polite refusal by guest who really means to say "yes".
If you want to refuse the offer find a polite excuse or say it again.

It is common to linger once the meal (luch or dinner) is over.

When visiting someone at home bring a small gift.
Most common gifts include flowers or chocolate (for women only), a bottle of wine or liquor.

The number of flowers that one offers must always be odd.

Other well-appreciate gifts include chocolates, bottle of wine or liquor.

All gifts should be wrapped, but many Romanians might not unwrap their gifts in your presence.

In Romania as in many Latin countries life is lived at a more relaxed pace.
Usual European courtesies should be followed on social occasions.
Although casual dress is fine in most occasions, wearing a suit and tie, or the women's equivalent, is important at business meetings.

Appointments are necessary and punctuality is expected.

It is not considered impolite to ask a person's age, politics, income or religion, so don't take such questions amiss.

Restaurant tips

Restaurants in small towns are usually social places where people go to have drinks and discuss politics or business.

Meat might be unavoidable in such restaurants and menus are usually based on pork, beef or chicken.

In small towns locals do not usually eat in restaurants because, traditionally, Romanian women cook almost every day.

Homemade dishes are a world apart:
if invited to have lunch or dinner with a Romanian family, do not miss the opportunity.

As in most countries, independent restaurants tend to be better than hotel restaurants;
do not hesitate to visit smaller, privately owned restaurants.

In some regions of Romania, and especially in Transylvania, some dishes may be prepared with more fat than you might usually use.

During warm summer days try some delicious salads, vegetable soups or local cheese and fresh vegetables.

Salads are usually a side order, which comes with most entrees, especially steaks.

Prices listed on restaurant menus are per serving and include all taxes and service charge.
However, some restaurants might post prices per 50 g or 100 g (1.75oz. or 3.5 oz.) while the actual serving can be up to 300 grams (12 oz.).
If not stated clearly on the menu, check with the waiter and make sure that you are specific when you order.

Typically, each food item (except bread) is ordered (and charged for) individually, right down to the butter.
If you don't want bread, say so or it will be brought to your table and added to your bill.

Most restaurants only serve wine by the bottle.

When serving the wine the waiter will usually ask you if you would like a little bit of sparkling mineral water to be added to your wine.

Wine mixed with mineral/ sparkling water (spritzer or "șpriț" in Rmanian) is very popular during summer.

Mulled wine, with sugar and cinnamon, ("vin fiert") is a popular drink for cold winter days.

For something stronger try hot plum brandy ("tuică fiartă") with a little sugar and peppercorn added.

Your glass of water or soft drink will not be served with ice unless specifically requested.



Taxi drivers do not expect tips but courteous service can be rewarded.
Hotel maid - the equivalent of $1.25 / day (5 Lei) or $12 (50 Lei) for one week or longer stays.

Hotel Concierge - tipping for the answer to a simple question is not necessary but 20 Lei ($5) to 30 Lei ($7) is suitable for help making reservations or getting tickets to a show.

Restaurants - although service is included a 10% tip will be appreciated.
Appropriate gratuities for Hairdressers and/ or Massage Terrapist are 10% to 15%.
Bellhop or Skycap - 3 Lei ($0.75) a bag.
Parking valet - 5 Lei ($1.00).


Romania uses the metric system of weights and measures. Speed and distance are measured in kilometres; goods in kilograms and litres; temperatures in Celsius - Centigrade.

Length conversion
1 centimetre = 0.4 inches
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 metre = 3.3 feet = 1.1 yards = 100 centimetres
1 foot = 0.3 metres
1 kilometre = 0.62 miles = 1,000 metres
1 mile = 1.61 km

Weight & Volume conversion
100 grams = 3.5 oz
1 oz = 28.35 grams
1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs = 1,000 grams
1 lb = 454 grams
100 millilitres = 3.4 fl.oz
1 fl. oz. = 28.4 millilitres
1 liter = 1/4 gallon = 1,000 millilitres
1 gallon = 3.78 litres

Temperature conversion Celsius to Fahrenheit
(multiply degrees Celsius by 9, divide by 5, and add 32
or double C and add 30)

Degrees C-18-12-704101621273238
Degrees F0102032405060708090100

Speed conversion
Kilometres divided by 1.6 = miles



Romanian Language Conversation Guide

Romanian (limba romana) is the official language of Romania. The name Romania, and its derivatives, come from the Latin word 'Romanus', a legacy of Roman rulers who took control of ancient Dacia in 106 A.D. Romanian retains a number of features of old Latin, such as noun cases, which other Romance languages dispensed with a long time ago. Romanian also contains many words taken from the surrounding Slavic languages, as well as from French, Old Church Slavonic, German, Greek and Turkish.

Romanian is actually easier for English speakers to understand than it is assumed. If you've studied other Romance language, such as Italian, Spanish, French or Portuguese, you may feel at home sooner than you think. Romanian is a phonetic language so words are pronounced as they are spelled.

A foreigner trying to learn or speak Romanian can expect positive reactions from native speakers. Most Romanian will certainly appreciate the fact that you are making an effort to speak their language.

For more about romanian language and a conversation guide please visit: