Cluj Fast Facts
Name: Cluj Napoca (pronounced: Kloozh' - Nah poh' kah)
Location: Transylvania, Central Romania
Nearest Airport: Cluj Napoca (CLJ)
Area: 69.3 sq. miles (179.5 sq. km)
Elevation: 1,181 ft. (360 meters)
Population: 380,000 (metropolitan area)
First documented: 1173 AD (Clus)
Cluj oldest building: Biserica Calvaria (950s AD)
Cluj - Napoca, the largest city in the region of Transylvania,
traces its origins back to a Dacian settlement (called Napuca) in the 2
Cluj quickly advanced socially and economically and during Marcus Aurelius' reign Napoca received the title "colonia",
the highest possible urban status in the Roman Empire.
The name Cluj comes from Castrum Clus, first used in the 12-th century as the name of the citadel surrounding the city.
Clus means "closed" in Latin and refers to the hills that surround the city.
Known as Klausenburg to the Germans* and Kolosvar to the Hungarians,
Cluj became Cluj Napoca in the 1970s, when the old Roman name of the city was added to emphasize its Dacian-Roman origin.
Cluj is a vibrant cultural and education centre with a dynamic economy. The city has the highest ratio of students to total number of residents, in Romania, due to its seven state and three private universities.
Cluj Napoca main square: Piata Unirii (Union Square), resplendent with 18th and 19th century buildings, is dominated by the 15th century St. Michael's Church, one of the finest examples of gothic architecture in Romania, and the 18-th century baroque Banffy Palace - home of the Romanian art collections of Cluj Art Museum and of the weaponry museum. Many shops and restaurants are located in or near Piata Unirii.
Cluj - Napoca is one of the seven walled citadels (Siebenbürgen*),
founded, in the Middle-Ages, and populated, until late 1960s, by the Transylvanian Saxons.
The other Siebenbürgen citadels are Bistrita (Bistritz),
Brasov (Kronstadt),
Medias (Mediasch), Sebes (Mühlbach),
Sibiu (Hermannstadt), Sighisoara (Schässburg).
The ancestors of the modern Transylvanian Saxons
(people of German ethnicity who have settled in Transylvania from the mid-12th century until mid-19th century)
originally came from the contemporary Low Countries
(more specifically the regions of Flanders, Hainaut, Brabant, Liège, or Zeeland)
as well as the Moselle and Lorraine river valleys, and, very importantly, Luxembourg as well,
then situated in the north-western territories of the Holy Roman Empire around the 1140s (Wikipedia).
Cluj Sights and Landmarks
Union SquarePiata Unirii
The St. Michael's Church dominates the Union Square, an area surrounded by Baroque, Gothic, Renaissance and NeoClassical buildings,
among which the Banffy Palace - arguably Romania's most representative Transylvanian-Baroque structure.
Flanking the church on the south side is a 1902 equestrian statue of the 15-th century ruler, Matei Corvin.
In the southwest corner of the square stands Hotel Continental, built in 1895 in an eclectic style combining Renaissance, classical and baroque elements.
During World War II, the hotel served as the German military headquarters in Transylvania.
On the other side of the square is the Hintz House, former home of Cluj's first and longest-running pharmacy (1573-1949),
now Cluj-Napoca Pharmacy Museum
Biserica Sfantul Mihail
Address: Piata Unirii
St. Michael's Church is one of the most beautiful gothic monuments in Transylvania.
It was erected between 1350 and 1487 on the site of the former St. Jacob's Chapel.
The oldest part of the church is the altar, built around 1390, while
the newest is the bell-tower, neo-gothic style (1860).
The star-shaped vault, the stained-glass windows and the sculptures impress with their beauty and grandeur.
Recent restorations revealed early 15th century murals.
Palatul Banffy
Strada Iuliu Maniu 30
An imposing former residence of the Austro-Hungarian governors, Banffy Palace was designed by the German architect, Johann Eberhard Blaumann, for then-governor of the city, Banffy Gyorgy. Built between 1774 and 1775, Banffy Palace is considered the most representative example of Transylvanian-Baroque. In 1951, the palace became the home of the Cluj National Art Museum.
Biserica Reformata
Address: Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu 16
The building of this impressive church began in 1486 and was completed around 1516, with a pulpit added in 1646. The church, one of the largest in southeastern Europe, is a perfect illustration of the late gothic architectural style. Created in 1373 by the masters Martin and George of Cluj, the statue of St. George slaying the dragon, which stands in front of the church, was inspired by one of the world's most famous equestrian sculptures, a 14-th century statue displayed in centre of Prague. Organ concerts are frequently held in the church.
Biserica Sf. Petru si Pavel
Address: Blvd. 21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 85
Named for the apostles Peter and Paul, this gothic church was built in 1711, on the foundation of a 14th-century church,
and rebuilt between 1844 and 1848.
An imposing portal, above church's entrance was built after the Black Death struck the town (1738-1742):
statue of Saint Archangel Michael
flanked on the left by John the Baptist, Saint Sebastian and Saint Charles Borromei,
and on the right by Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Rocus and Saint John Nepomuc.
The portal was moved here in 1899 from its former location at St. Michael's Church.
A beautiful baroque work , the statue of St. Mary, by sculptor Schenbauer Antal, created in 1744
can be admired in the church's backyard.
Bastionul Croitorilor
Address: Piata Baba Novac
Dating from 1475, Tailors' Bastion is one of the two structures, once part of the old fortified town, still standing.
The other defending tower that has survived for more than five centuries is the Firemen's Tower.
Today, Tailors'Bastion houses
Centrul de Cultură Urbană Cluj (Cluj Napoca Cultural Centre).
Dealul Cetatuia
For the best views of the city and the surrounding landscape, climb some 200 feet up Fortress Hill.
The name refers to an Austrian fortress built here in the 18-th century to ensure control, rather than defense, of the city.
The fortress also served occasionally as a prison, and it was here that Stephan Ludwig Roth,
the 1848 hero of the Transylvanian Saxons, was held, accused of high treason and executed at the northern gate on May 11, 1849.
Manastirea si Biserica Franciscana
Address: Str. Victor Deleu 4
Open: daily 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Free admission
One of the city's oldest structures, the Franciscan Monastery was built in the 15-th century on the site of an older church dating from 1273 and handed to the Dominican order by ruler Iancu de Hunedoara in 1455. Located at the south of the monastery complex, the church was offered as a gift to the Franciscans who restored it in baroque style around the year 1728.
Catedrala Schimbarea la Fata
Address: Blvd. Eroilor 10
In 1764, the church was bought by Franciscan monks living on the outskirts of Cluj.
Its tower practically crumbled 15 years later, thus destroying the whole frontispiece.
Restoration work began in 1783 and the church was rebuilt in baroque style. In 1924, it was donated to the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church.
Biserica Romano-Catolica Calvaria
Address: Str. Manasturului 60
A powerful Benedictine abbey stood once at the western gates of the city, in the oldest quarter of the town. The abbey was known under the name Monasterium Beaae Mariae de Clus and it enjoyed outstanding rights and privileges. Benedictine monks settled in towards the end of the 11-th century. During the Tartar invasion of 1241, the abbey was pillaged and burned down. The building was restored in 1263 and the current monastery of Calvaria was built between 1470 and 1508 in gothic style.
Over the years, the monastery enjoyed periods of prosperity, but also underwent times of decay. In 1787, after the war against the Turks, Bishop Alexandru Rudnai decided to have both the church and the surrounding fortifications pulled down; only the altar was spared and it was later turned into a chapel. Nothing was left of the artistic assets of the church, except for a statue of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus; the statue currently stands on a pedestal, under a gothic baldachin, above the entrance door. The chapel, dating to 1831, and the belfry, designed in 1922 by the renowned Hungarian architect Karoly Koos are noteworthy.
Cluj-Napoca, the ‘capital’ of Transylvania, has a large student population and an arty vibe with excellent clubs and some of Europe’s best-loved electronic music festivals (The Guardian - UK).
Jewish Cluj-Napoca
The Neolog SynagogueSinagoga Neologă or Sinagoga Noua
Address: Str. Horea 21
The original grand Moorish-style synagogue, better known as the Memorial Temple of the Deportees
(Templul Memorial al Deportaţilor Evrei),
was designed by architect Hegner Izidor and inaugurated on September 4th, 1887.
40-years later the synagogue was damaged by nationalistic Fascist organization "the Iron Guard" and,
restored soon after with funding provided by the Romanian government.
On 30 August 1940, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy assigned the territory of Northern Transylvania
Romania to Hungary. Soon after, the neolog synagogue was transformed in a storage facility.
Massive deportation of Cluj Jewish population took place in May 1944.
Romanian administration in northern Transylvania was re-introduced in March 1945.
In 1942 the synagogue was damaged again following the bombing of Cluj.
It was repaired three years later and completely restored in 1951.
Cluj Napoca Jewish Community
Comunitatea Evreilor Cluj Napoca
Address: Strada Tipografiei 25
Telephone: (+4) 0264 596.600
Cluj Museums
Cluj Museum of Art
Muzeul National de Arta Cluj
Housed in the most representative Transylvania baroque buildings: the Banffy Palace,
Cluj Art Museum displays sculptures, graphics, weapons, furniture, carpets, and paintings
by Romanian artists such as Nicolae Grigorescu (1838-1907), Theodor Aman (1831-1891) and Theodor Pallady (1871-1956).
Both Grigorescu and Aman were influenced by the Barbizon group and the Impressionists,
while Pallady spent many years in Paris and drew inspiration from Matisse.
Address: Piața Unirii 30
Tel: (+4) 0264 596.952
Open: Wed. - Sun.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Institutul de Speologie Emil Racoviță
Currently closed for renovations.
Cluj Speleology Museum displays a fascinating collection of over 50,000 species of subterranean fauna
as well as botanical and zoological samples from areas beyond the Antarctic Circle.
Most items in the museum have been gathered by Romanian biologist Emil Racoviță (1868-1947),
from the over 1,400 caves he explored, in Europe and Africa, and from the Arctic.
Emil Racoviță is the world's first biologist to study the arctic life, the author of
an original theory of biological evolution and founder of world's first Speleology Institute (1920).
He is considered, together with French entomologist René Jeannel, one of the founders of biospeleology.
Address: Strada Sextil Pușcariu 8
Tel: (+4) 0264 430.601
Museum is currently closed for renovations.
Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei
Endowed with a collection of more than 65,000 ethnographic items, the museum offers an excellent introduction to Transylvanian folk art and traditions.
Founded in 1922, it is one of the most important ethnographic museums in Romania.
Its various sections, devoted to trades, lodging, food, pottery, textiles, national costumes and customs, include more than 50,000
photographs as well as open-air and international sections. Together, they paint an image of Transylvania's folk culture.
Address: Strada Memorandumului 21
Tel: (+4) 0264 592.344
Open: Wed. - Sun.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Muzeul National de Istorie al Transilvaniei
Founded in 1859, this museum illustrates the history of Transylvania from Paleolithic times to the present.
The number of items on display has grown from about 24,000 in late 1870s to more than 400,000 today,
including many rare and extremely valuable objects that illustrate the progress
from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages to the peak of the Dacian civilization, the first century A.D.
The medieval modern, contemporary history and Numismatic sections
contain collections of unique decorative art, ancient books, old printings, memoirs, history and coins.
Address: Strada Constantin Daicoviciu 2
Tel: (+4) 0264 595.677
Tue. – Sun.: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
(10 a.m – 5 p.m. during winter time)
Muzeul de Istorie a Comunitatii Evreiesti - Muzeon
An innovative storytelling exhibition about Jewish history in Cluj
Address: Strada Virgil Fulicea 3
Tel: (+4) 0364 100.472
Open: Tue. – Sun.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Colectia de Istorie a Farmaciei - Casa Hintz
Cluj Pharmacy Museum, exhibits over 7,200 pharmacy instruments and equipment.
It is located in Casa Hintz the building in which Cluj's first pharmacy was open, in 1573.
Address: Piața Unirii 28
Tel: (+4) 0264 593.814
Open: Tue. – Sun.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Performing Arts
Opera & BalletCluj National Opera
Opera Nationala Romana Cluj Napoca
Address: Piata Stefan cel Mare 24
Tel: (+4) 0264 597.129
Aida by Giuseppe Verdi was performed at the opening night of the Cluj National Opera, in 1919.
Hungarian Theatre & Opera
Teatrul si Opera Maghiare din Cluj
Address: Str. Emil Isac 26-28
Tel: (+4) 0264 593.463
Cluj Philharmonic
Filarmonica de Stat Transilvania
Address: Piata Lucian Blaga 1 - 3
Tel: (+4) 0264 430.060
Cluj Philharmonic Concert Hall is home to five music ensembles:
Cluj Symphony Orchestra, Cluj Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Transilvan Quartet and the Folk Music Orchestra.
Performances are also offered in the old concert hall located at Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu 1
National Theatre
Teatrul National Lucian Blaga
Address: Piata Stefan cel Mare 24
Tel: (+4) 0264 592.976
Puck Puppet Theatre
Teatrul de Marionete
Address: Str. I.C. Bratianu 23
Tel: (+4) 0264 595.992
Visit Transylvania's largest city – Cluj Napoca – with a local guide.
When: every day, rain or shine, at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., reservation required.
Tour starts: at Piata Unirii, in front of Matthias Corvinus statue.
Tour ends: at Piata Unirii
Duration: two hours.
Cost: Free (you can tip your tour guide if you liked the tour).
More info and reservations.
Parks and Gardens
Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden
Gradina Botanica Alexadru Borza
Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden, one of the largest of its kind in southeastern Europe,
is hometo some 10,000 plant species. Within the grounds, you can visit a museum;
several greenhouses with desert and tropical plants, including huge Amazonian water lilies;
a Japanese garden with a brook and a Japanese-style house, and the Roman Garden with archeological relics from the Roman colony of Napoca.
Address: Strada Republicii 42
Tel: (+4) 0264 592.152
Parcul Central Simion Bărnuțiu
Hire a boat to row on the small lake or just enjoy a stroll in this 200-year old park.
Location: 0.3 miles north of Cluj City Centre
Parcul Etnografic National "Romulus Vuia"
Founded in 1929, the park exhibits some 90 Romanian, Saxon and Szekler traditional houses, sawmills,
wells, potter's workshops, sheepfolds and outbuildings for grinding gold-bearing ores, sheep rearing, blacksmithing and tanning hides.
The park also contains several 18th century wooden churches from the Transylvania region.
Aleea Muzeului Etnografic
Wed. - Sun. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (April through September).
Wed. - Sun. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (October through March).
Attractions near Cluj - Napoca
Hoia – Baciu Woods Padurea Hoia – BaciuWhere:
5 miles west of Cluj Napoca city centre
Access: car, bus, pedestrian
Hoia - Baciu is a forested area ideal for nature walks and relaxation.
Alleged varied paranormal phenomena occur frequently in the woods.
Hoia Baciu Haunted Woods tours and more info.
Castelul Bánffy
and Colectia Etnografica Zoltán Kallós
Where: village Răscruci, Strada Principala 484
16 miles northeast of Cluj Napoca
Access: car, bus
Hundreds of items and tools used in buffalo farming - once an important component of Mera (rural) economy – are on display.
Other attractions near Mera include the 40 million years-old rock formations.
Day Trips from Cluj
Turda Salt Mine and Turda Mine Wine CellarsSalina Turda
Where: 24 miles southeast of Cluj Napoca
Access: car, bus, train
Turda Salt Mine more info
"La Salina" Wine Cellar info
Where: Village Sic - 25 miles northeast of Cluj Napoca
Access: car, bus
A unique village known for the beautiful traditional costumes worn by the locals, the colorful Tuesday Market, the Dance House / Museum and the nearby Sic marsh walk paths.
Where: 60 miles southeast of Cluj Napoca
Access: car, bus, train
Târgu Mureș more info
Where: 65 miles northeast of Cluj Napoca
Access: car, bus, train
Bistrița more info
Parcul National Apuseni & Ghetarul Scarisoara
Where: 45 miles southwest of Cluj Napoca
Access: car
Cluj makes a great base for exploring the stunning Apuseni mountain range
and Apuseni Mountains Nature Park,
home of one of the most interesting cave systems in Romania.
Limestone underlies most of the park and is responsible for the area's impressive landforms and more then 400 caves, many of which can be explored.
Sculptured mountain ridges, mysterious underground rivers and delicate cave formations will keep your camera busy.
Rent a car in Cluj and take the scenic drive to Campeni.
Explore Scarisoara Cave, a national monument and home to the second largest underground glacier in Europe.
The Apuseni Motzi villages are ideal places to find the tranquility and timeless wisdom of traditional village life,
vibrantly alive and intact here as perhaps, nowhere else in Europe.
Trip Planning Info
Air Transportation to/ from Cluj Napoca
Cluj Napoca International Airport (CLJ)
Aeroportul International "Avram Iancu"
Address: Str. Traian Vuia 149
Tel: (+4) 0264 416.702
Cluj airport is located 6 miles east of the city-centre.
Electric, Express Bus A1E links Cluj Airport with the city centre (Piata Mihai Viteazul).
Fare ($1.50) - on board using a credit/debit card.
A1E bus timetable
Visitors who need to travel from Cluj airport to the train station can take
trolley-bus # 5
(route: Aeroport Nord -- Piata Garii Sud)
Trolley-bus # 8 connects
Cluj Napoca airport with Piata Mihai Viteazul - city centre.
Taxis are another quick option to get from the airport to the city centre.
(approximate fare: the equivalent of $10)
Airlines with service to Cluj Napoca include:
Tarom, Air Connect, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Hi Sky, WizzAir
Reaching Cluj Napoca by Car
Fastest routes from Bucharest to Cluj Napoca are:
Bucharest - Pitesti - Ramnicu Valcea - Sibiu - Alba Iulia - Turda - Cluj (Highway A1 and National Road E81)
Bucharest - Brasov - Sighisoara - Targu Mures - Cluj (National Road E60
City | Distance |
Bucharest | 270 miles |
Arad | 160 miles |
Belgrade - Serbia | 280 miles |
Brasov | 160 miles |
Budapest - Hungary | 275 miles |
Iasi | 270 miles |
Krakow - Poland | 440 miles |
Oradea | 90 miles |
Prague - Czech Republic | 585 miles |
Satu Mare | 105 miles |
Sibiu | 98 miles |
Timisoara | 190 miles |
Vienna - Austria | 390 miles |
Train Travel to/ from Cluj Napoca
Cluj Napoca - main train station
Gara Cluj Napoca
Address: Str. Garii 1-3
Tel: (+4) 0264 592.952 or 952
There are daily direct trains from/to Cluj to most major cities in Romania
as well as from/ to Budapest (Hungary).
Direct trains run to Cluj from Bucharest in 8.5 hours, Brasov in 6.5, Sighisoara in 3.5.
From Oradea the journey takes 2.5 hours, from Suceava 6.5 and from Timisoara 6 hours.
To check train schedules and fares for domestic routes
please visit RomaniaTourism domestic transportation section.
For departures from/to Timisoara please select Timisoara Nord.
For departures from/to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord.
Cluj can be reached in 8 hours by train from Budapest (Hungary) and in 11.5 from Vienna (Austria).
For the list of international trains with service to/from Romania please visit
RomaniaTourism.com International Transportation section.
SNCFR's advance booking office
Agentia de Voiaj SNCFR Cluj-Napoca
Address: Piata Mihai Viteazu 20
Tel: (+4) 0264 432.001 (domestic travel)
Tel: (+4) 0264 534.009 (international travel)
Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Cluj Napoca SNCFR ticket office offers train information and tickets for future travel.
Tickets for same-day travel can only be purchased at the train station.
Inter_City Bus to/ from Cluj Napoca
Cluj Napoca Bus Station # 1
Autogara Cluj Napoca
Address: Str. Giordano Bruno 3-5
Tel: (+4) 0264 435.278
Daily domestic bus service from/to:
Alba Iulia, Arad, Baia Mare, Bistrita, Brasov, Bucuresti, Campeni, Horezu, Hunedoara, Iasi, Oradea, Mangalia, Piatra Neamt, Reghin, Satu Mare, Sebes, Sibiu, Sighetu Marmatiei,
Targu Lapus, Targu Mures, Vatra Dornei
Cluj Napoca Public Transportation
Cluj Napoca's main areas and tourist attractions are connected by
50 bus (autobuz), 5 tram (tramvai) and 11 trolley-bus (troilebuz) routes.
The city's public transportation system is safe and reliable.
All Cluj public transportation routes are operated on regular schedule Mon. through Fri., from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.
and, on limited schedule during the night, weekend and public holidays
Tickets are inexpensive (the equivalent of $0.75 / trip) and are valid for bus, tram or trolleybus.
Information about Cluj Napoca public transport, including routes, schedules and fares,
can be obtained from the Website of Cluj Transportation Authority
(Compania de Transport Public Cluj Napoca).
Cluj Napoca Taxi
Cluj Taxi Companies | |
Name | Phone # |
Taxi Pro Rapid | (+4) 0744 772.696 |
Taxi Nova | (+4) 0744 959.959 |
Taxi Napoca | (+4) 0726 231.231 |
Diesel | (+4) 0744 646.663 |
Daniel Taxi | (+4) 0723 820.082 |
PriTax | (+4) 0264 942 (valid short #) |
Cluj Napoca Car rental
Alfa Rent A CarAddress: Str. Elicei 1
Tel: (+4) 0748 166.966
Alfa-RentCar.ro GCA Rent A Car
Address: Str. Constanta 10
Tel: (+4) 0754 328.550
GCA Rent A Car Cluj
Your car delivered to your door
Tel: (+4) 0743 285.053
Pont Rent a Car
Tel: (+4) 0771 992.655
Rent a Car Cluj
Great car rental rates in Cluj Napoca.
Discount Rent A Car
Tel: (+4) 0745 165.858
321 Car Rental
Tel: (+4) 0743 526.653
Tel: (+4) 0740 002.000
Autonom - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0264 590.588
Avis Car Rental - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0264 274.113
Avis Car Rental - Cluj City Centre
Tel: (+4) 0734 010.023
Tel: (+4) 0722 111.900
Enterprise – Touring Rent Auto - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0720 070.590
EuroCars Romania
Tel: (+4) 0727 373.799
Europcar - Cluj Airport
Address: Str. Traian Vuia 149 – 151
Tel: (+4) 0740 198 577
Hertz - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0364 401.722
Promotor Car Rental - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0743 403.403
Sixt - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0264 417.740
Tim Rent-A-Car Cluj - Cluj Airport
Telephone: (+4) 0745 179.555
TOP Rent a Car - Cluj Airport
Tel: (+4) 0730 511.820
Cluj Napoca Hotels
Accommodations in Cluj Napoca include:
Class | Location | |
Grand Hotel Napoca | four-star / upscale | 0.5 miles west of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Platinia | four-star / upscale | 0.5 miles west of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Beyfin | four-star / upscale | Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Meridian | four-star / upscale | one mile south of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Radisson Blu | four-star / upscale | one mile west of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
River Park | four-star / upscale | 1.5 miles west of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Golden Tulip Ana Dome | four-star / upscale | 1.2 miles south of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Sunny Hill | four-star / midscale | 4 miles south of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Double Tree | four-star / midscale | Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Transilvania | three-star / midscale | Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Confort | three-star / midscale | 0.8 miles south of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Hampton Inn | three-star / midscale | 0.5 miles east of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Belvedere | three-star / midscale | one mile north of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Capitolina | three-star / midscale | 0.5 miles south of Cluj Napoca City Centre |
Cluj Napoca Shopping
Cluj Napoca Antique ShopsD R Antiques SRL
Piata Unirii 11/4
Telephone: (+4) 0742 994.058
Galeria Quadro
Address: Str. Napoca 16
Tel: (+4) 0745 341.380
Galeria Atas
Address: Str. Matei Corvin 6
Address: Str. Iuliu Maniu 8
Tel: (+4) 0744 539.212
Cluj Art
Address: Str. Iuliu Maniu 40
Tel: (+4) 0748 534.966
O Galerie de Arta
Address: Str. D. D. Rosca 14A
Tel: (+4) 0745 106.816
Galeria Uniunii Artistilor Plastici
Address: Str. Iuliu Maniu 2 - 4
Cluj Napoca Shopping MallsMall Name | Address | Telephone |
Platinia Shopping Center | Calea Mănăștur 2-6 | (+4) 0371 783.805 |
Iulius Mall | Strada Alexandru Vaida Voevod 53 B | (+4) 0264 206.424 |
Central Shopping Centre | Strada Regele Ferdinand 22-26 | (+4) 0264 594.140 |
Sora Shopping Centre | Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989 nr. 5 | (+4) 0371 180.244 |
Sigma Shopping Centre | Str. Republicii 109 | (+4) 0364 413.529 |
Cluj Tourist Information
Cluj Tourist Information Centre
Centrul de Informare Turistica Cluj
Address: Blvd. Eroilor 6 - 8
Telephone: (+4) 0264 452.244
Cluj Napoca Tourist Information Centre provides maps, brochures
and information on accommodations, restaurants and transportation.
Cluj-Napoca - Local Authorities
Cluj County Archives
Directia Judeteana Cluj a Arhivelor Nationale
Address: Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu 10
Telephone: (+4) 0264 598.979
Opening Hours
Cluj City Hall
Primaria Cluj - Napoca
Address: Calea Moților 3
Telephone: (+4) 0264 596.030
Consumer Protection Agency
Comisariatul Judeţean pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor Cluj
Address: Năvodari 2
Telephone: (+4) 0264 431.367
Cluj Napoca Health and Emergency
General emergency phone number: 112
Ambulance (Ambulanta) , Police (Politia) and Fire Department (Pompieri)
Cluj Napoca pharmacies (farmacie) open 24 hours a day
Address: Piața Timotei Cipariu 15
Telephone: (+4) 0264 592.484
Farmacia Europa
Address: Strada Bucegi 11A
Telephone: (+4) 0264 421.119
Farmacia Viafarm
Address: Piața Mihai Viteazu 1
Telephone: (+4) 0264 434.182
Farmacia Cynara - Mănăștur
Address: Calea Florești 75
Telephone: (+4) 0264 426.272
Farmacia Remedium - Mărăști
Address: Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 131
Telephone: (+4) 0264 412.901
Cluj Napoca Hospitals
Emergency Clinic Hospital
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj
Address: Str. Clinicilor 3 - 5
Tel: (+4) 0264 592.771
Cluj Napoca Municipal Hospital
Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj-Napoca
Address: Str. Tăbăcarilor 11
Tel: (+4) 0735 406.258
Cluj Napoca University Hospital
Spitalul Universitar Cluj-Napoca
Address: Str. Republicii 16-20
Tel: (+4) 0264 599.596
Cluj Napoca Military Hospital
Spitalul Militar de Urgență „Dr. Constantin Papilian”
Address: Str. General Traian Moșoiu 22
Tel: (+4) 0264 598.381
Postal services & TelephonePost offices display a postal horn symbol and the word Posta.
Main Post Office
Address: Str. Regele Ferdinand 33
Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Telephoning Cluj Napoca from Abroad
International Access Code + 4 (country code) + 0264 or 0364 (area code) + six-digit telephone number .
Cluj Maps
Map of Cluj Central area - Harta orasului Cluj-Napoca, zona centrala
City of Cluj interactive Street Map - Harta Interactiva a orasului Cluj Napoca
Romania Main Roads and Tourist Attractions map - Harta Principalelor Atractii Turistice din Romania
More maps of Romania