Eforie Nord Info

Town of Eforie Nord is located on the Romanian Black Sea coast, near Lake Techirghiol, whose mud and waters have long been used as cure for arthritic, rheumatic, internal and nervous system disorders.

Lake Techirghiol waters are five times saltier than the Black Sea.

Eforie Nord was established in 1894, when a clinic first opened here.
Later, under the patronage of King Carol I (1839 – 1914), a health resort sprang up. Besides the sea air and sun, another curative factor is the rich, black, sapropelic mud – knows locally as namol – from Techirghiol Lake.
Today, Eforie Nord treatments include mud baths as well as world-famous Gerovital and Aslavital original rejuvenation treatments.

Eforie Nord Fast Facts

Location: Dobrogea region - Southeastern Romania, Constanta County
Nearest city: Constanta (7 miles north)
Climate: Continental climate with warm summers and mild winters
The average temperature of Eforie Nord is about 33 °F (1 °C) in January
and about 85 °F (29 °C) in June,
but recorded temperature extremes range from 14 °F to 95 °F (−10 to 35 °C).
Elevation: 65 ft.
Natural resources: Concentrated salty water from Techirghiol Lake, Sapropelic mud from Techirghiol Lake, Saline aerosols and heliotherapy.

Eforie Nord Therapeutic Indications

Arthritis and rheumatoid disorders
Breathing and cardiovascular afflictions
Endocrine system problems (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism)
Gynecological afflictions
Nervous system disorders
Peripheral nerve diseases
Skin problems

Spa facilities

Treatments offered by Eforie Nord spas include: Aerosols, Electrotherapy, Gerovital and Aslavital rejuvenation treatments,Hydrotherapy, Kinotherapy, Thalassotherapy, Baths with concentrated salty water from Lake Techirghiol, Mud baths and mud applications

Nearby attractions

City of Constanta

Where: 7 miles north of Eforie Nord
Access: car bus, train
Constanta more info

Town of Mangalia

Where: 20 miles south of Eforie Nord
Access: car, bus, train
Mangalia is located on the site where the ancient city of Callatis stood 2,l00 years ago. Town's Archeology Museum displays many of the statues and artifacts found in the area.
The name Mangalia comes from the Byzantine word Pangalia, meaning "the most beautiful".
Mangalia is home to spa hotels that provide treatments for afflictions related to the kidneys, digestive and nervous systems, skin and liver.
Attractions in Mangalia include Callatis Archeological Museum, the ruins of Callatis Fortress (7th century BC), the Syrian Basilica and the 16th century Esmahan Sultan Mosque, the oldest mosque in Romania.

Murfatlar Winery

Where: 23 miles northwest of Eforie Nord
Access: car
Murfatlar winery info

More than 300 days of sunshine a year, long and warm autumns and cool winds from the Black Sea make this region ideal for the production of sweet dessert wines such as late harvest Chardonnay and Pinot Gris. At the Murfatlar Vineyard, you can enjoy traditional dishes from the Dobrogea region and sample some of the finest wines, such as the award-winning Lacrima lui Ovidiu, 3 Hectare Limited Edition, Sec de Murfatlar and Rai de Murfatlar, while taking in the picturesque landscape from the wine cellar's terrace. Complete the tour with a visit to the Vine and Wine Museum, located near the wine cellar. On display, you will find ancient Greek and Roman amphorae and an impressive collection of wine presses, proof of Dobrogea's noble wine-making tradition.

Town of Tulcea & the Danube Delta

Where: 85miles north of Eforie Nord
Access: car, bus, train (with transfer in Medgidia)

Tulcea, one of the oldest cities in Romania is the main gateway to the Danube Delta, one of Europe's leading wildlife sanctuaries. The Delta is a 2,200-square-mile wildlife reserve designated by UNESCO as a 'Reservation of the Biosphere'. Its tree-fringed lakes, reed islands, marshes and oak forests are home to more than 3,400 animal species, along with over a thousand varieties of plant life. The Delta's waters teem with some 160 species of fresh and salt-water fish. Bird-watchers will be especially enthralled here, with opportunities to spot more than 300 species of migratory and permanent birds including eagles, egrets, vultures, geese, cranes, ibises, cormorants, swans and pelicans.



Nearest airport located in:
Constanta – Mihail Kolgalniceanu International Airport (CND) – 23 miles away


Bucharest to Eforie Nord via Sun Highway (Autostrada Soarelui) DN A2/DN A3 - E 87:
Bucharest - Fundulea – Lehliu - Drajna – Fetesti - Cernavoda – Constanta – Eforie Nord


Eforie Nord Train Station
There is daily INTERCITY (Express) service between Bucharest and Constanta. In the summertime, there are several daily trains with service every half-hour between Constanta and Eforie Nord.

To check the latest train schedules for domestic routes
please visit the website of the Romanian Railways: www.cfrcalatori.ro
The site has complete information about
domestic train schedules and fares.
Note: For departures from /to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord.

Eforie Nord Accommodations

Hotel Europa – Ana Aslan / Gerovital Health Centre
Address: Str. Republicii 13
Tel: (+4) 0241 741.710

Hotel Astoria
Address: Bvd. Tudor Vladimirescu 9
Tel: 0241 743.490

Hotel Britannia
Address: Blvd. Tudor Vladimirescu 42
Tel: 0241 704.105

Eforie Nord Tourist Info

Eforie Nord Tourist Information Centre
CNIPT Eforie Nord
Tel: (+4) 0374 974.474


Map of Romania Historical Regions
Romania Tourist Attractions Map
Eforie Nord Area

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