When you are aware of other resources that should be listed we will be happy to consider including them in this section. Before suggesting a site please review our link policy. If any of the links that we offer currently do not serve our goal to providing the most accurate, unbiased information about travel to Romania, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Trip Planning Apps

Travel Apps for planning and organizing your visit to Romania.

Volunteering in Romania a great way to discover Romania culture by international students.

Romania fast Internet a guide on staying connected securely during your visit.

Transportation - Ground

Train / Bus -- Schedules and Fares

Inter-City and Airport Transfers:

Direct-Aeroport.ro - scheduled van
TransportTaxi.ro - intercity transfers (car or minivan).

Jet Lag Calculator by Sleepopolis.

Books about Romania

România Sălbatică -- Wild Romania - a unique showcase of Romania's remarkable natural beauty.
Culture Smart! - Romania The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
NicolaeBooks.com - Taste of Romania / Romania - an Illustrated History

Handicrafts & Souvenirs
Designed and Made in Romania

Prints and Wall Art by Razvan Vitionescu
Carpathian Mountains Wilderness - Souvenirs
Designer Madalina Andronic - Scarves, Art Prints, Souvenirs
Teracota Medias - Transylvania Terra-Cotta tiles

Translation Service

Romanian / English - Translation Services
Center for Translation and Interpretation
Romanian / English / French Language Services